
Andrea Rosa


Flags in the Dust released

Ladies and gentlemen, it's here! After one year of planning, and six months of steady work, Flags in the Dust is finally finished and available for download in the StarCraft section. Also, check the fancy release thread on StarEdit Network, where you will find many more screenshots and a plethora of additional information. As anticipated in previous posts, the time frame of Flags in the Dust is set immediately after the events narrated in Shadow of the Xel'naga by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, even though reading that novel is not a strict prerequisite for fully enjoying this campaign, since the few shared narrative elements are summarized in the mission briefings. As usual, the campaign encompasses many gameplay styles, ranging from classic RTS, to micromanagement, hybrid melee, survival, stealth, boss fights, and more, so variety shouldn't be an issue. As confirmed by my playtesters, the difficuly is high, on par with Champions of Khandia if not slightly harder, so be prepared for a tough challenge. Flags in the Dust concludes my series of campaigns for the original StarCraft, and potential future projects will be set in the time frame of Brood War. But enough of this, go play Flags in the Dust!

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