
Andrea Rosa


Days Of Sorrow @ Maporino!2021

Popular YouTuber Jayborino has partially showcased the final mission of Champions of Khandia - Days Of Sorrow - on his channel, as part of his annual exhibition of RTS custom content which took place between April and May (more info here). I wasn't around back then, because I was living my own days of sorrow: those of you who know me personally may know that I suffered a terrible loss in that period, hence I wasn't really in the mood for anything, let alone partaking in online events, however I'm grateful to Jay for accepting my submission, and I'm glad that he enjoyed it, even though he was overwhelmed by the difficulty at some point, and he had to give up in order to make room for other entries. As a matter of fact, Maporino!2021 was meant as a quick showcase, not a complete playthrough, thus the most difficult and enduring maps wouldn't have been shown in their entirety, and Days Of Sorrow is indeed quite a tour de force, with relentless attack waves, multiple optional objectives, countless expansions and a vicious boss fight, all of this on a huge 256x128 map. You can check Jay's video here, as well as below:


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