
Andrea Rosa



Flags in the Dust update + Chinese version released

So, I'm back after more than one year. If you thought I was busy creating new custom content all this time, well, unfortunately you were wrong. To be honest I had the intention to start working on something new, maybe the much awaited Brood War campaign, but real life had very different plans. The sudden death of my mother in April left a deep hole in my heart, and marked the b…

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All Citadel levels in .map format

Following a request from a friend, I have decided to release the original .map files of Citadel: click here to download the ZIP file (2.4 MB). You can use these .map files for didactic purposes, and also to extract any structure or prefab you may need.

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Tales of Halcyon - Russian version released

Fellow SEN member C[a]Hek has been working on the Russian translation of Tales of Halcyon, you can download it here.     

Flags in the Dust released

Ladies and gentlemen, it's here! After one year of planning, and six months of steady work, Flags in the Dust is finally finished and available for download in the StarCraft section. Also, check the fancy release thread on StarEdit Network, where you will find many more screenshots and a plethora of additional information. As anticipated in previous posts, the time frame of Fla…

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Campaign Update: Flags in the Dust (2)

As anticipated, here's some in-editor screenshots from my ongoing StarCraft project, Flags in the Dust. These captures were taken from SCMDraft2, hence the wider view. I would like to point out that I'm still using StarEdit as main tool of development, with SCMDraft2 as a support utility for tileset manipulation. Why? Because, to say it bluntly, SCMDraft2 is a pain in the ass t…

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Campaign Update: Flags in the Dust

Hey folks, it has been a busy summer behind the scenes. The new StarCraft campaign I'm working on, Flags in the Dust, is coming along quite nicely, and even at a faster pace than I expected. As of now, four maps out of six are finished, therefore I might actually be able to release the campaign before the initially planned date of 2023. I take the opportunity to thank my small …

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New StarCraft campaign under development

Time to get back to work. As the title says, I've started working on a new StarCraft campaign. It will likely be my last work for the vanilla game, and eventual further projects will be for Brood War. Proceeding in chronological order with my previous creations, this campaign will be set in the days between the fall of the Overmind and the arrival of the UED fleet (more precise…

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Upscaled skin pack for Citadel by RoclorD

Polish modder RoclorD has released a comprehensive set of upscaled, high resolution skins specifically designed for use with Citadel in conjunction with the Knightmare custom engine! The skin pack is available on ModDB, and can be downloaded here

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A post without words

The Senate And People Of Rome - Russian version

SEN member C[a]Hek has embarked on a massive project to translate my Age of Empires campaigns into Russian. At this moment, The Senate And People Of Rome has been fully translated (you can download it here), but more may come in the future. Russian fans of Age of Empires and StarCraft should also subscribe to his YouTube channel, where he frequently posts his playthroughs.  

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